Vehicle compliance is the process of ensuring that a vehicle meets all relevant legal and regulatory requirements set by authorities. In Australia the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 (MVSA) and its regulations made it an offense to import, sell, or introduce new or used imported vehicles to the Australian market unless they complied with national standards, except when an exemption was granted.

Each state may have variations in the compliance process and roadworthy inspections, potentially requiring additional steps after initial compliance. All vehicles must undergo inspection and compliance before road registration in Australia.

Our Compliance Services

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Compliance costs vary from vehicle to vehicle, please contact us for a quote.

  • There is strict criteria that must be met to import your vehicle under the personal import scheme.

    For more detailed information on this, please contact us.

  • All vehicles must undergo inspection, compliance and a road-worthy inpsection when being imported into Australia. These regulations differ from state to state.